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Our wishes, our anchoring

Our wish, in essence, is to return the pure and "simple" plant,

 to revive a ritual, an experience of nature at home

Creating harmony between man and nature


We want to bring well-being, dreams and beauty, in line with our human and ecological values as well as our ethics. Nature, in our opinion, is the founding element and the cornerstone of our balance.


The evolution of society, with its off-center jobs, its noisy communication and virtual social networks, has literally cut us off from natural precepts.


We believe that acting to recreate harmony between man and his environment is an essential act for the well-being of all.

Weaving the link between man and nature, encouraging "nature experiences" and installing "nature rituals” contribute to a better life.

Reconnecting with yourself and your environment


By reintroducing plants from local productions into our daily lives, we act on a small scale to reconnect with nature and our origins.


In search of meaning and roots, we turn to our history and our ancestors.


We draw our inspiration from their knowledge and the use they made of plants.

Reintroducing Plants Into our Daily Lives


In all past civilizations, the bond between man and nature was much closer than it is today.


The use of plants to heal oneself was obvious until the development of industry and pharmaceutical laboratories.


Thus, TOTEM NATURE restores nobility to the plants – all from an agricultural and useful biodiversity – and to their medicinal virtues.


TOTEM NATURE conveys a universe of strong traditions, a return to history and nature, with a hint of magic and imagination.

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